The name of the Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Okinawa fighting style is related to the name of Kanryo Higaionna. He left his homeland at the age of 60 and went to China and studied at the Kempo-Shaulin school for 14 years. Then he returned to Naha and created his own school. He combined the experience he learned at school with the traditional Okinawan martial art of Naxate. One of the best students of Kanryo Higaionna is the famous Chojun Miyagi. He devoted his whole life to the study and development of the hard and moderate Goju-Ryu fighting style. In modern times, the traditions of martial training in Okinawa are continued by Anichi Miyagi and Shuichi Aragaki, students of two great masters Chojun Miyagi. Today, the most skilled connoisseur of this type of fighting is the president of the International Okinawa Karate-do Federation, Shihan Morio Higaonna.
Sensei Tarverdi Aflan oghlu Allahverdiyev, Sempai assistant of Shihan Morio Higaonna, president of the Azerbaijan Goju-ryu Okinawa Karate-do and Kobudo-Kempo martial arts federation, chief instructor for Azerbaijan of the World Okinawa Karate-Do Federation, seventh DAN in Okinawa Goju-ryu type, Kempo – He is the holder of the eighth DAN black belt in Jutsu. Tarverdi Allahverdiyev has been a participant and prize-winner of the republican and international championships in eastern martial arts since 1992. It was from that year that the Goju-ryu martial art entered Azerbaijan. Tarverdi Allahverdiyev began his studies under the guidance of Morio Higaonna from ninth dan at the Okinawa Goju-Ryu teaching school in Moscow, Russian Federation. In 1995, he founded the Azerbaijan Goju-ryu Okinawa Federation. In 1998, he continued his studies in Okinawa, Japan. He was the bronze medalist of the World Championship held that year. He was the organizer of a number of international seminars held in Azerbaijan. he has won international competitions, European and World championships, and has been among the prize winners. It should also be noted that Tarverdi Allahverdiyev is the founder of the International Jugo Kobudo Kempo-Ryu Federation.